Irma Velez
Irma Velez was born in Puerto Rico and raised in New York City. With no art background or experience, she enrolled in watercolor classes at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. The experience put her on the journey of painting in watercolor, setting her style towards realism. With the desire to learn more about water media, she attended a workshop at the Atelier Alupi Art School in Paris, France. At the Art Student League of New York, where she is a lifetime member, she studied with top instructors such as Frederick Brosen, Frank O’Cain, Naomi Campbell, and others. The classes and workshops are all part of her journey; however, she considers herself self-taught. She recently became interested in acrylic painting and is open to pursuing this new technique.

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East End Art Guild
295 Palmas Inn Way
Ste 104
HUMACAO, PR 00791-6257
United States